Looking for a Church home? St. Matthew’s Anglican Church is located across from the historic courthouse in downtown Lapeer. We would love to have you join us for Sunday service at 10 am.
Other activities during the week include Monday (during the Summer) Water and Prayer during the Car Cruise.
On Tuesdays: Coffee Time at 10:00 am, Bell Choir at 10:00 am, and Vocals at 11:30 am.
Wednesday: Bible Study at 10:30 am, SewBeeIt Sewing Group at 12, and Bible Study at 6:30 pm.
Saturday: Free clothing giveaway at the Community Clothing Closet from 9-12.
We have a very active prayer ministry at St. Matthew’s. If you have a prayer request, please call the church office and leave a message at 810-667-8910. Prayer warriors will keep you in prayer for 30 days.